Be a Guardian Angel



Sponsor a Survivor

Guardian Angels sponsor one of our special medical needs survivors or one of our sugared snouts (seniors).

Recurring donations provide sustainability over the months to come by allowing us to budget accurately and responsibly for the veterinary expenses that come with rescuing senior animals and those with special medical needs.

These recurring donations allow us to say “yes” to all laboratory survivors and to those abandoned in shelters who are so often overlooked.

These kiddos frequently are in longterm or even forever foster homes, and Cage to Couch continues to provide veterinary care, including all medications, as well as any prescribed dietary needs, and all other support required, from ramps and orthopedic beds, to wheelchairs.

Our Guardian Angels are truly our partners in saving lives.

Guardian Angels needed

Our Seniors and Special Medical Needs Survivors

Our beautiful Fiona, a typical goofy hound surrendered to the shelter at 9 years old, hasn’t had it easy and things just got worse.

Fiona is currently hospitalized for a serious kidney infection. Not good for an older girl at all. She is receiving IV medications and fluids and all the love this golden girl deserves.

When we took her in, Fiona had several masses that needed to be removed, and was suffering from painful arthritis and “bad knees.”

Fiona had two surgeries, one for removal of masses and a dental, and then an episioplasty. She takes medications for arthritis – Librella has relieved pain and increased her mobility somewhat. The doctor thinks she could benefit from knee repair surgery, as any increase in mobility will help overall with arthritis and the urinary tract infections she is prone to due to lack of mobility.

While we are still hoping there’s a person out there who will want to foster Fiona, right now we need to get her through this medical crisis.

Your sponsorship will help pay for Fiona’s hospitalization and urgent care immediately, and her ongoing medical care and treatment.



Luna was surrendered to the shelter at 7 weeks old with a severely fractured skull, including her nose, and a broken jaw.
We didn’t even think she’d survive the first few weeks. she would panic because she didn’t know how to breathe through her mouth, and she would faint.
She couldn’t have surgery when she was so young and growing so quickly as her bones were growing and shifting with every few pounds and inches she grew.
She has been managed by her veterinary team, treating her almost constant nasal infections, until she is old enough – done growing – so she can have surgery to repair the hole in the top of her mouth (cleft palate).
Luna is now coming up on being fully grown and old enough and will have surgery.
She will be one year old July 29, 2024.
The surgeon’s estimate for the surgery, including the necessary CT scan, is over $10,000.
Luna was in the hospital for several weeks at the beginning after her rescue, and in and out of the hospital over the last few months so she’s managed to rack up a heft medical bill. She also will need to be spayed and we’re not sure if she’ll be able to have that procedure done at the same time as the cleft palate repair, but it’s doubtful.
Your sponsorship of Luna will be used towards her surgical and medical costs.

Boris was 14 years old when he was surrendered to the shelter because his guardian entered hospice care.

We learned that Boris was a laboratory survivor, adopted as a young dog from the laboratory by the family that eventually surrendered him to the shelter. 

When we rescued Boris, he was in pretty bad shape: he had a large tumor on his front paw that wrapped around the leg completely, another large mass in his groin area along with many smaller masses all over his body. He also had severe ear infections and dental disease AND a heart murmur, and, of course, typical beagle allergies.

Our vet operated immediately and removed the largest masses and a few of the smaller ones, performed a dental cleaning, and started Boris on ear cleanings and medication. 

Boris has a fractured tooth, but before we can consider putting him under anesthesia again, he will need an echocardiagram to determine if he should undergo anesthesia. 

His ears have proven resistant to most antibiotics. His most recent culture shows he has one bacteria that’s susceptible to his current medication and one that isn’t. We’re working with his veterianry team and his incredible fosters with daily cleanings and medication, and will be reassessing for another medication – all in an effort to avoid removal of the ear canal. 

He also has a new little lipoma behind his ear, which, while benign, the doctor advises close monitoring for any changes and removal would be best for Boris’ comfort and to take it off before it grows larger.

All to say, Boris is an older fella who suffered real neglect for what appears to be a considerable amount of time. We are determined this very sweet beagle receives the medical care he deserved all along.

We were fortunate to find him a wonderful home but we need medical sponsorship for Boris so we can help him to be as healthy and comfortable as he can be in this final chapter of his life.

Your sponsorship will help pay for Boris’ echocardiogram and ongoing medical care.


Our sweet Kelly girl

Blind, and battling diabetes


Our goofy Mei suffers from severe bilateral ear infections and impaired vision due to neglected chronic dry eye


Our Mr. Hobbs suffered over four years of cruel confinement and came to us suffering with badly damaged knees and severe, crippling arthritis

Annie Oakley, aka Sadie

This little spitfire of a golden girl was abandoned at a shelter, suffering with several mammary tumors and a hernia


Cricket, a senior who doesn’t know he’s a senior, jumped off of the back of a couch and came up unable to use his back legs, suffering a serious neck injury