loves cheese and his folks
Hank came to us from a cosmetic testing facility in South Korea. When we first saw him, he had already been rescued and was being fostered here in California with a couple of poodles. As soon as we saw his photo on the rescue’s website, we knew we had to be his forever home.
We had been waiting for years to get a dog, and we thought just from the photo that he might be the one for us. When we got to meet him, we knew that he would be our perfect first dog. He was so sweet and nervous, and we bonded with him immediately. We just wanted to help him and make him feel loved.
Lucky for us, he seemed to like us enough that they decided to allow us to adopt him!
When he first came to live with us, he was very nervous. It seemed as though he did not know that people could be nice to him. It took us some time and a lot of patience for him to start being more comfortable. I still remember the first time he jumped up on the couch on his own to sit with us! Now, more than two years since he came home with us, we are still discovering all the bits of his personality, like how he loves to snuggle, knows exactly when breakfast and dinner are (even if we aren’t even out of bed yet), when family walks should start (if it doesn’t, he will make his opinion known!), his love of a pupaccino, and for all things CHEESE.
Rescue: Welcome Home Dog Rescue

Nicknames: Hanky, Hankybutt, Hankybear
Likes: Cheese, whip cream, walks and naps
Goes bonkers for: Bacon and Pepperoni
Not so much for: Strangers at the house or when meals come late
If Hank had a superpower it would be: Invisibility
Hank has tendencies of still being very shy but once he gets to know you, he will still hide behind his mom and judge you slowly until you bring him treats.
~Matt and Kira, Hank’s folks

NICKNAMES: Coco, Cocobutter
IS FOND OF: Eating mail, especially $10,000 checks! Oh, and bananas and Life Cereal.
LOVES: Her dads
NOT A FAN OF: Being told “no.”
If Coconut had a superpower, it would be: Courage with a capital “C”! Coconut isn’t afraid of new situations, new places or new faces!
just a girl with a plan to live
On May 25, 2019 we received the diagnosis that our beloved Coconut had Distemper, an often fatal neurological disease in dogs. The grim prognosis was a 30 percent change of survival, at best…and no effective treatment. It was heartbreaking to see this loving and adorable part of our family suddenly lose her mobility and become unable to eat. The advice from the neurologist was to consider humane euthanasia, but Coconut wanted to live!
For the next several months we worked diligently to support Coconut in her journey toward health. We began a regiment of high dose vitamins and fed her baby food through a syringe throughout the day. We engaged in therapeutic exercises to strengthen her limbs and took her for strolls in a baby stroller to keep her mind active and alert. She wasn’t in pain, but everything remained status quo.
Then one morning while making breakfast, we accidentally dropped a piece of Vanilla Life cereal on the floor. Coconut dove for the food and gobbled it up. This was the first time she had eaten any food on her own in over three months. We cried…then poured her a bowl of Life cereal. Over the next several months, Coconut grew stronger and we phased her from baby food and cereal to a more healthy (and appropriate) diet. To this day the remnants of this terrible disease are evident. Her hind leg twitches continuously, her teeth failed to grow in completely and she has limited damage to her liver.
She is the happiest dog I’ve ever known.
Coconut is a miracle. We never gave up hope and our dedication and her strength allowed her to thrive.
She is the most spoiled dog we’ve ever had!
~Robb and Brian, Coconut’s dads
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