
Name: Luna
Age: Eight months old
Sex: Female
Breed: Mixed Pit Bull
Location: Southern California
Luna’s doctors have taken a conservative approach, supporting her as she grows but not rushing to do any surgical procedures until her she’s grown.
Luna is doing amazing! She’s had some tough times to get through; it’s not easy to breathe through her nose! But like puppies do, she plays and runs and gets into mischief! She’s a good eater, though messy!
Luna is good with other dogs and cats, too! She loves to cuddle, loves her toys, and is learning to walk on a leash.
This little muffin is about 50 lbs. at eight months old, so she’s probably going to be a fairly big girl.
Luna is just one of the sweetest, goofiest little girls you’ll ever meet.
Luna was abandoned at the shelter at 7 weeks old with a fractured skull, including a badly fractured jaw and nose.
She was going to be euthanized unless a rescue agreed to take her into their care. We thought Luna deserved a chance.
Ask Us - We Love to talk about Luna!
Hi Future Family!
I’m learning to turn on my listener.
Oh, and I snore.
Love, luna
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