Name: Kelly
Age: Over 12 years old
Sex: Female
Color: Fawn
Location: Southern California
Kelly is in the hospital battling the damage out-of-control diabetes has done to her little body.
A sweeter, gentler, more loving little beagle you could not find. How she could have been abandoned and left to suffer on her own is just beyond our understanding.
Kelly is in good spirits and getting A LOT of love, but requires close monitoring and continuing diagnostics and veterinary care right now.
We are hoping Kelly will be stable enough soon to go off to her waiting foster home.
Found as a stray, blind and suffering from diabetes, a shelter out east reached out to us, asking if we could consider taking Kelly into our rescue.
Consider it? We jumped at the chance to help this little golden girl!
And, boy, are we glad we did. Kelly is a little love. All she wants is to be near you. And food. Kelly loves mealtime!
Ask Us - We Love to talk about Kelly!
Hi Future Family!
I don’t take up much room and I’m very quiet.
Might you have a little space in your heart and home for me?
Love, Kelly
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