
Name: Joey

Age: four years old

Sex: Male, neutered

Color: White

Location: Southern California

Joey is just a great companion. He loves to play, especially fetch!

He would love to be part of an active family and would love to be included in hikes and camping trips, but he also enjoys movie nights at home on the couch!

Joey is great with other dogs and is a very well-mannered good boy.




Joey found himself at the shelter after his person passed away. This sweet and gentle fella’s life changed in a second, and with our Southern California shelters overflowing, Joey’s own life was in danger. Luckily, shelter staff advocated for him and reached out to us, and we gladly took in Joey and are determined to find him a loving home he so very much deserves. 

Ask Us - We Love to talk about Joey!

Hi Future Family!

Do you have a good throwing arm? I’ll bring the ball! Let’s play!


Love, Joey

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Adult – Male


Adult- Male