
Name: Katie
Age: Six years old
Sex: Female
Color: Tri-Colored
Location: Southern California
Katie is a tiny little spitfire of a beagle who loves, LOVES to be the center of attention!
Happy to meet new people, friendly and sweet, Katie will ask for pets and gives sweet little kisses.
Though still a bit skittish and not walking yet on leash, Katie is getting the hang of going outside to potty.
Katie is living with another one of the girls from this rescue, Ginny, and the two are often curled up together for naps.
Katie was rescued, along with 19 other beagles, from an animal testing laboratory.
Until now, she’s known only a cage and the inside of a laboratory as her whole world.
Things are about to get so much better for Katie!
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Hi Future Family!
I may require a little extra patience than your average dog, but I promise you, it will be worth it.
I can hardly wait to meet you!
Love, katie
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Dog – Female

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