
Name: Zoey

Age: about two years old

Sex: Female, spayed

Color: Tri-Colored

Location: Southern California

We’ve been AMAZED at how great Zoey is doing in her foster home. She has a 15-year-old beagle brother she is very good with, and she is now going for long walks on leash and is getting more interested and more comfortable meeting new people.

Zoey loves, LOVES love! She gives HUGS!!! The sweetest little hugs.

A concerned animal lover found Zoey being given away on craigslist. She contacted the “owner” and asked if she would instead let a rescue take her. The owner agreed but said the rescue would need to come and get Zoey immediately so we did.

We were told Zoey had puppies a few months ago and her last puppy had been sold and now she was sad. She was in a small carrier when we arrived, and the “owner” took her out and put her in our car.

Zoey was so frightened and confused, when we got home she did not want to come out of the car, would not walk on a leash, and when we finally got her in the house, she hid in a corner of a bedroom.

True to beagle form, though, she ate her dinner and breakfast like a champ!

Ask Us - We Love to talk about Zoey!

Hi Future Family!

In the words of Bruce Springsteen, two hearts are better than one.

Will you share your heart with me?


Love, zoey

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