

Name: Nancy

Age: 5 years young

Sex: Female, spayed

Color: Tri-Colored

Location: Southern California

Some things Nancy has discovered she likes:

Sleeping on a soft bed.


Meeting new people.


Giving kisses.

Nancy is still quite timid but she is interested and happy to meet new people and other dogs.

The first day she spent inside a home, Nancy was lifted onto the sofa and, while she was nervous at first, she soon curled up against the soft pillows and slept for the entire afternoon. She didn’t want to get down off the sofa!

Nancy is a very sweet little beagle who bears the scars of her life living in the Envigo facility: Her ears are torn and she has many scars and still-healing sores all over her body. Despite how she was treated in the past,  in true beagle fashion, Nancy is happy to meet each new human she encounters, hopeful that everyone she meets will treat her with kindness.

Nancy is one of 4,000 beagles rescued from Envigo, the mass breeding facility that shut down following an investigation, having received multiple violations for animal welfare, including inadequate veterinary care and insufficient food.  Envigo breeds beagles to sell to testing laboratories; if not for the investigation and legal proceedings, Nancy would have been sold to a laboratory for research.

Nancy traveled from Virginia with hundreds of her fellow Envigo-mates to come to California to find her forever home.

Ask Us - We Love to talk about Nancy!

Hi, Future Family!

I’m waiting as patiently as I can for you to come and get me. Please hurry, though.


Love, nancy

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